A DEFRA approved Passport Issuing Organisation

Studbook Office: The Last House, Keysoe Row West, Keysoe, Bedfordshire MK44 2JJ

Tel: 07703 566066    Email: 

Normal office hours - Monday to Friday 10.30 am to 4 pm

Note that the SPSS Office relocated in April 2014 and the contact details at the top of the page should now be used for all contact with the SPSS
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2020 SPSS eGradings
Mares - Stallions - Youngstock

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Due to the COVID-19 virus, 2020 SPSS gradings and evaluations will all be “virtual” events with our judges assessing video clips that cover all the normal aspects of our gradings (except for loose jumping).


Stallions can be presented for a pre-grading virtual assessment “eAssessment” that, should they pass, will allow them to cover as interim stallions for 2020/2021 and issue SPSS Covering Certificates for this period. They will be then be required to be presented at a full SPSS stallion grading in 2021.  Read more here.


Mares can be presented for SPSS “eGrading”. This replaces fully the requirement to attend an actual SPSS grading and will give permanent graded status into the appropriate Mare Studbook depending on their score and completeness of pedigree. Read more here. Note that it is unlikely that SPSS Mare Performance Testing will take place in 2020.


Youngstock which are evaluated through the British Breeding “Virtual Futurity” (which is also being done via video clips) and are SPSS passported or overstamped will also be eligible for an SPSS Premium, based on their Futurity Evaluation score. The scores of all eligible youngstock will be taken forward to the SPSS end of year awards which we anticipate will include a Youngstock Champion and Reserve Champion, as well as rosettes for the top scorer in various categories. Should any SPSS passported pony/horse not be eligible for the Futurity due to their requirement for the sire to be licensed then please contact us directly as we will endeavour to facilitate their assessment.  Read more here.


There’s a summary of the video requirements here.


Entry Window - 1st July - end of 2020 but note that only mares for which all stages of eGrading have been completed by 1st November will be eligible for the 2020 Mare Grading Championships.


Anticipated judges:  Hans-Heinrich Bruening & Jacke Mathieson


If you have any questions or queries, please call the SPSS Studbook Office on 07703 566066

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Entry Portal


More about:

Stallion eAssessment

Mare eGrading


Video Requirements




Rosettes and Sashes waiting to be presented at the 2018 SPSS AGM and Awards Presentation

Meeting the challenge of 2020

in association with the British Breeding Futurity


Stallion eAssessments


Click here to download an information sheet about SPSS Stallion Grading


Stallions can be presented for a pre-grading virtual assessment that, should they be assessed by the SPSS as acceptable, will allow them to cover as interim stallions for 2020/2021 and issue SPSS Covering Certificates for this period. They will be then be required to be presented at a full SPSS stallion grading in 2021.


Entry will be anytime in 2020. Please send your video(s) showing conformation and paces (correctness and athleticism), completed entry form, membership application/renewal form (if not a current member) and scans/clear photos of the pedigree & other key pages in the passport to us via WeTransfer ( The fees due can be paid either by bank transfer (details on forms) or by posting a cheque. Once all the necessary information has been received and the fee has been paid, there are 3 stages to acceptance.

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Carnakilly Pom Pom

Supreme Champion Stallion 2019

By kind permission of Qorum Photos

Stage 1. The SPSS judges will review the video(s) and make a decision on whether or not the stallion can proceed to the next stage of the eAssesment or not.


Stage 2. The owners of stallions permitted to go forward to the next stage will have to:

(a) provide evidence that he is free from hereditary disease or defects either by getting a vet out to complete the SPSS vetting form or by providing a recent vet’s certificate (that equates to our form and specifically includes freedom from hereditary disease and defects) or evidence from another studbook/breed society that he has passed an equivalent vetting (this should be in the form of a copy of the vets form supplied to that society).

(b) either supply a copy of an existing DNA profile for your stallion or send us a DNA hair sample (taken by a vet) and £50 (by cheque or bank transfer) so that we can get a DNA profile done.

(c) for stallions on or near our height limit of 158cm, provide proof of current height and a JMB height certificate once at mature height (normally age 7) and before a permanent licence is issued. Should a stallion prove to be over the height limit at any time after grading then SPSS graded status will be withdrawn and the entry and other fees will not be refunded.

(d) send the stallion’s passport into the SPSS Studbook Office

Stage 3. The stallion owner will be formally notified that their stallion may issue SPSS Covering Certificates for 2020 and 2021 and provided with a book of 10 certificates. The stallion will be promoted alongside the graded SPSS Stallions in 2021 but MUST attend a full SPSS Stallion Grading in 2021 where they will be fully assessed, including loose jumping and ridden (depending on age). There will be no additional entry fee to attend the 2021 Grading and the SPSS team will make every effort to consider the location of these pre-entered stallions when planning events, especially if there are 3 or more in a region.



  • Loose jumping is NOT a requirement of eAssessment and should NOT under any circumstances be included in videos but is mandatory at the subsequent full grading.

  • We do not anticipate declaring a Stallion Champion in 2019.

  • There will not be any scores, detailed feedback or mark sheets

  • Stallions that are not accepted at Stage 1 but the judges feel may mature and develop to be acceptable given time may be presented at a full SPSS Stallion Grading in the future at no further entry fee or may choose to receive the partial refund detailed below.

Stallion 2020 eAssessment and 2021 Grading Entry Fee

  • £250 for stallions already SPSS passported or overstamped.

  • £300 for other stallions – includes £50 registration fee for overstamping of ungraded stallions not already SPSS passported or overstamped.

Note that:

  • The above fee covers both the 2020 eAssessment AND subsequent attendance at the 2020 full stallion grading.

  • £150 will be refunded if a stallion is rejected at the eAssessment stage.

Click here to download an information sheet about SPSS Stallion Grading


Hans-Heinrich Brüning & Jacke Mathieson are expected be the judges for the 2020 Stallion eAssessments. 


Mare eGradings

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Mares can be presented for SPSS eGrading. This replaces fully the requirement to attend an actual SPSS grading and will give permanent graded status into the appropriate Mare Studbook depending on their score and completeness of pedigree.


Click here to download an information sheet about SPSS Mare eGrading


Entry will be anytime before mid October 2020 (to ensure entrant eligible for 2020 Mare Grading Championship); later entries will be allowed but won'd be eligible for the championships. Please send your video(s) showing conformation and paces (correctness and athleticism), completed entry form, membership application/renewal form (if not a current member) and scans/clear photos of the pedigree & other key pages in the passport to us via WeTransfer ( The fees due can be paid either by bank transfer (details on forms) or by posting a cheque. Once all the necessary information has been received and the fee has been paid, there are 3 stages to acceptance.

Stage 1. The SPSS judges will review the video(s) and make a decision on whether or not the mare is accepted as SPSS Graded or not and informally notify the owner.


Pioneerstud Sheer Lace - 2019 Supreme Champion  Mare

By kind permission of Kate Simpson Equine Photography

Stage 2. The owners of mares that are accepted will have to:

(a) either supply a copy of an existing DNA profile for your mare or send us a DNA hair sample (taken by a vet). This sample will be stored by the SPSS in case it is necessary to DNA profile the mare in the future.

(b) send the mare’s passport into the SPSS Studbook Office.

Stage 3. The mare’s allocated studbook and graded status will be recorded in her passport which will then be returned to the owner along with and her rosette. The individual scores will not be released until after the end of year awards have been announced when the scores and scoresheets will be released.

The scores of all mares for whom Stage 3 has been completed will be taken forward to the SPSS end of year awards where, as long as at least 5 mares have been graded, the 2020 Mare Grading Champion and Reserve Champion will be declared (based on scores received). Should 10 or more mares be graded then regional groups (of at least 5 mares) will be formed and Regional Champions & Reserve Champions be declared with the top mare overall being the Supreme Mare Champion.


Mare eGrading Entry Fee

  • £80 for mares already SPSS passported or overstamped

  • £105 other mares – includes £25 registration fee for overstamping of ungraded mares not already SPSS passported or overstamped

N.B. Owners need to be paid up SPSS Members to make a Stallion eAssessment or Mare eGrading entry.


Note that it is unlikely that SPSS Mare Performance Testing will take place in 2020.


Click here to download an information sheet about SPSS Mare eGrading



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Diane Kilshaw’s Henza Selene (Dallmayr K x Dressman I) - highest scoring SPSS Registered pony or horse across all 2019 Futurity Evaluations

Photo by kind permission of Kevin Sparrow

The British Breeding team have created a "Virtual Futurity" where youngstock evaluations will take place with their team of experienced evaluators assessing video clips of youngstock. Like last year, all SPSS passported or overstamped youngstock will also be eligible for an SPSS Premium, based on their Futurity Evaluations score.


Click here to go to the Virtual Futurity page on the British Breeding website to find out more.


To receive the SPSS Premium, the passport must be sent to the SPSS Studbook Office so the result can be properly recorded and the appropriate SPSS Premium rosette will be sent back with the passport. There will be a fee of £10 for this and owners do not have to be SPSS members. However, there is a discount for multiple youngstock owned by a current SPSS member with the fee reducing to £8 each for 2 youngstock and £5 each for 3 or more youngstock . This fee is waived for foals receiving SPSS passports where the passport is applied for by 1st October.

The scores of all eligible youngstock will be taken forward to the SPSS end of year awards which we anticipate will include a Youngstock Champion and Reserve Champion, as well as rosettes for the Top Foal, Yearling, 2 Year Old & 3 Year Old; Top Filly, Colt & Gelding and Top Pony & Top Small Horse.


Should any SPSS passported pony/horse not be eligible for the Futurity due to their requirement for the sire to be licensed then please contact us directly as we will endeavour to facilitate their assessment.


Youngstock Evaluation Fee

£10 for passported or overstamped youngstock evaluated through the Virtual Futurity (free for foals passported SPSS by 1st October)

There is a discount for multiple youngstock owned by a current SPSS member with the fee reducing to £8 each for 2 youngstock and £5 each for 3 or more youngstock.


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Video Requirements


What do I need to do?


The online entry system will open on 1st July 2020 and run for two months. This means that if you have several ponies you would like to enter, you can spread them out a bit, making it more manageable for you.


You will start your entry online through the British Breeding Futurity portal which will have the option to do a Studbook eGrading/eAssessment alongside or instead of a Virtual Futurity entry. At the end of the entry process, you will be asked to submit your video files online. There are links to example videos on our website for you with some useful hints and tips to show you what to watch out for. We will then invoice you directly and then, once our judges have viewed your mare/stallion’s videos, we will contact you with the result.


Your mare or stallion will not be assessed on the quality of the video footage or your editing skills, so keep it simple, and don’t worry, videos taken on a smart phone or tablet are perfectly suitable for this. Equally, you can use any type of arena or other surface you have available. If you don’t have an arena, a straight bit of paddock is absolutely fine, as long as the grass is nice and short.


Above all, please ensure you stay safe and adhere to the latest government guidelines including maintaining appropriate social distancing. We have designed this year’s approach with that in mind.


The first section of videos will cover the conformation assessment. For this, you need some hard standing, and a straight bit long enough to show as few steps of walk and trot. You will show your pony standing up and then in hand walking and trotting away from and towards the camera. When your pony is stood, please include footage of both sides from side on as well as from the front and back (from the top of the hindquarters all the way down).


The second section of videos will cover the walk, trot and canter assessment. Loose jumping MUST NOT be included. You will need to get some footage of your pony on both reins in all three gaits. Try and get as much footage side on as possible, as this makes it easiest to assess. For this part, you can use a fenced arena if you have one available, but if not, a flat paddock with short grass is equally fine. Think about the practicalities of having to catch your pony in a large field, and choose one that is not too big, with good, safe fencing. Please avoid anywhere with long grass or tall weeds (or get them mowed first!), as this will obscure parts of the movement.


The walk is usually best shown in hand, make sure you take long and active strides, as this will encourage your youngster to do the same. The trot can be shown loose or in hand, or you can opt for a combination of the two. The canter will need to be shown loose.  Ideally, please show at least a 20m circle of walk in hand and 20m circle of trot in hand, then a decent length of video of your mare free in trot and canter on both reins.


Happy Filming! If you have any questions or want some further advice, we are only every a phone call away, so do not hesitate to get in touch - plus we have included links to sample videos below:

Video of whole process - here

Standing your equine up - here

We wish to thank the British Breeding Futurity team for their support with our eGrading and eAssessments and we hope that our breeders will also enter their foals for the Virtual Futurity


Entry Portal


Entries are now open (1st July) and will remain open until the end of the year.


Download the entry forms here:

Mare eGrading Entry Form

Stallion e Assessment Entry Form


Please send your video(s) showing conformation and paces (correctness and athleticism), completed entry form, membership application/renewal form (if not a current member) and scans/clear photos of the pedigree & other key pages in the passport to us via WeTransfer ( The fees due can be paid either by bank transfer (details on forms) or by posting a cheque.


Once the entry has been made via WeTransfer, the videos uploaded will be checked then once we have the payment and all information that we require your entry will proceed to the judging phase.


Only members can enter stallions & mares for eAssessment/eGrading - if you want to join ahead of entry, here is the form, but it's fine to enter as a non-member and we will just add the membership fee to the invoice.


Youngstock Evaluations are open to non-members

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Stallion 2020 eAssessment and 2021 Grading Entry Fee

  • £250 for stallions already SPSS passported or overstamped.

  • £300 for other stallions – includes £50 registration fee for overstamping of ungraded stallions not already SPSS passported or overstamped.

Note that:

  • The above fee covers both the 2020 eAssessment AND subsequent attendance at the 2020 full stallion grading.

  • £150 will be refunded if a stallion is rejected at the eAssessment stage.


Mare eGrading Entry Fee

  • £80 for mares already SPSS passported or overstamped

  • £105 other mares – includes £25 registration fee for overstamping of ungraded mares not already SPSS passported or overstamped

N.B. Owners need to be paid up SPSS Members to make a Stallion eAssessment or Mare eGrading entry.


Youngstock Evaluation Fee

£10 for passported or overstamped youngstock evaluated through the Virtual Futurity (free for foals passported SPSS by 1st October)

There is a discount for multiple youngstock owned by a current SPSS member with the fee reducing to £8 each for 2 youngstock and £5 each for 3 or more youngstock.


Closing Dates

Entries close at the end of 2020 but note that only mares for which all stages of eGrading have been completed by 1st November will be eligible for the 2020 Mare Grading Championships.



The SPSS Rule book can be download here



As the video footage is required at the point of entry, there is no anticipated reason for withdrawing; hence, it is unlikely that there would be a refund for anyone withdrawing their pony from the process once the entry has been made.


More information

For more information 2020 eGradings & eAssessments or the video requirements please follow the links at the top of the page.



The judges for the 2020 eGradings/eAssessments are expected to be Herr Hans-Heinrich Brüning and Mrs Jacke Mathieson.


Hans-Heinrich is a well known German judge and breeder of Hannovarian dressage and jumping horses at his family farm, Hof Brüning, which is well-known for its solid preparation work of horses for licensings, mare shows, stallion and mare performance tests as well as auctions, shows and championships.  Hans-Heinrich has judged at the SPSS mare and stallion gradings since 2010.


Jacke Mathieson is a breeder of warmblood horses and sports ponies.  She owns the warmblood Wolkenderry and competes him and his progeny in dressage.  Jacke also imported the SPSS graded pony Classic's Charmeur who initially stood at stud with her before being sold to a young rider, with whom Classic's Charmeur has competed at FEI Pony level internationally.  Jacke has been SPSS Chairman and judged SPSS Gradings & Evaluations since 2014.


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The Sports Pony Studbook Society

Studbook Office:   The Last House, Keysoe Row West, Keysoe, Bedfordshire MK44 2JJ

Tel: 07703 566066    Email: 

A Private Limited Company - Companies House (Cardiff) Registration No. 4106148

Registered Office: The Stables, Higher Farm, Limington, Yeovil, Somerset BA22 8EG